Saturday, December 13, 2008

Vandalization of the Georgia Guidestones

Regardless of whether you believe in the existence of the New World Order, there are many who are vehemently opposed to some of the ideals represented by the Georgia Guidestones. Also known as the "American Stonehenge", the Georgia Guidestones have been speculated to be the main laws of a supposed New World Order. Although the mainstream media is no longer dodging the concept of a NWO, so the Guidestones once again come to the forefront of those who have followed the concept over time.
Similar to Hitler's "law and order" standpoints in World War 2, the commandments of the Georgia Guidestones sound almost benevolent at first glance, but do not mention how they may come about. Just as people obediently did as Hitler said was their best-interest, with no thoughts to the ramifications of their actions.
It is however interesting to note, that the commandments seem to have predicted our current mentality of sustainable development.

Consider the Meme's currently infused in our collective consciousness.
The idea that there are too many people on the planet.
The idea that we are somehow "destroying" the planet, even though it's obvious that the planet will outlast humanity.
The idea that genetics can somehow "cure" humans of their genetic instabilities.
As well as other concepts one can see in distopian science fiction movies. In fact, one might argue that it was science fiction movies are what made us ready psychologically to accept these standards of living, embedding Meme's in the populace that may "bear fruit" of one kind or another. The truth of it being as subjective as what the best basketball team is, or which news station is the most "fair and balanced". These are just words, and while they have power, they can mean whatever you want them to with the right spin.

This past week, the Guidestones were vandalized, and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I am not a huge fan of the Guidestones, however this vandalizing shows a counter-productive fervor amongst believers that somehow the NWO represents "the devils presence" on Earth, and that true believers in Jesus will be saved. This "Book of Revelations" mentality, is dangerous. Not only because of the inherent contradictions of claiming support for Jesus while ripping down other people. But mostly dangerous because it implies that something horrible is coming, and that is a Meme that only propagates itself over time.

For more on Meme's:

For more details on the Georgia Guidstones:

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dennis Kucinich presents an alternative to the $700 billion bailout.

This was taken from the website in regard to the financial bailout so many are talking about. Not only are people calling their congressmen in anger in mindboggling numbers, but it's passing all the same.

Kucinich presents an alternative:

Dear Friend,

While Wall Street and the Bush Administration try to blackmail Congress into a $700 billion bailout for corporations that have shown zero concern about the plight of the American people through the last decade, I have been working on a comprehensive alternative. Today, I am releasing a plan for economic recovery that will provide not only economic stimulus, but also fairness for everyday people on every "Main Street" in America. The plan is detailed below, and it will also be available on the campaign website

Of course, this is a plan that has not only economic implications, but also moral and spiritual implications as well. The social, economic, and political divisions in our nation must be healed. We can make a new beginning, seizing this moment of crisis and transforming it into a moment of rebirth for our nation. I hope you will take the time to read it, consider it, and share it with your friends. I welcome your comments and your support.

More tomorrow.

Thank you,

216-252-9000 877-933-6647

Kucinich’s Main Street Recovery Plan

1. Health Care for All: Insurance companies make money not providing health care. As the co-author of HR 676, a universal, single-payer, not-for-profit health care system, Medicare for All, I understand millions of Americans want health care that is accessible and affordable.

Medicare for All will help businesses large and small, create jobs as well as save the jobs of thousands of people including those of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers who are currently leaving medicine because it is run by the insurance companies. $1 in every 3 dollars of the $2.4 trillion spent annually in America for health care goes to the insurance companies. If we take that money ($800 billion in unproductive wasteful spending) and put it directly into care, we will have enough money to cover everyone. We are already paying for Medicare for all, but not receiving it. HR 676 changes that!

2. Prescription Drug Benefit for Seniors: HR 6800 is the MEDS Act, which provides a fully paid prescription drug benefit, under Medicare, for all seniors. I wrote this bill to help alleviate the economic pressure that comes from the high cost of prescription drugs. We can pay for it by letting the government negotiate drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies as well as by permitting re-importation.

3. Stop the Oil Companies’ Price Gouging: As you know, I was the first one to step up to challenge of the corrupt price gouging and market speculation of the oil companies by proposing a windfall profits tax, on oil and natural gas companies, with revenues put into tax credits for the purchase of fuel-efficient American-made cars. However, it may be that nationalization is the only way to put an end to the oil companies' sharp practices.

4. Protecting the American Homestead: As Chairman of the Domestic Policy Oversight Subcommittee, I am working to protect your basic right to have a roof over your head, whether as an owner or renter. I have investigated and helped to expose the manipulation of mortgage markets, and I am crafting a new federal policy so that neighborhoods with the highest number of foreclosures get the most help.

5. Jobs for All: Congressman LaTourette and I have co-authored the bi-partisan New Deal-type jobs program, HR 3400, "Rebuilding America's Infrastructure." It will create millions of good-paying new jobs rebuilding our roads, bridges, water systems and sewer systems.

6. American Manufacturing Policy: I am drafting the American Manufacturing Policy Act, which for the first time, will state that the maintenance of U.S. steel, automotive, and aerospace industries are vital to our national economic security and must be maintained through integrated public-private cooperation, new trade policies, and investment.

7. Works Green Administration: I am also drafting plans for a green New Deal jobs program, in which the government creates millions of jobs by incentivizing the design, engineering, manufacturing, distribution and maintenance of millions of wind and solar micro-technologies for millions of homes and businesses, dramatically lowering energy costs and reducing our dependence on oil.

8. Fair Trade: The U.S. has lost millions of good-paying jobs, and more jobs have been out-sourced. As you know, I have helped to lead the way in opposition to trade giveaways. I strongly urge repeal of NAFTA. We must include workers' rights, human rights and environmental quality principles in all trade pacts. We must also protect the Great Lakes' water resources from the reach of multi-national corporations.

9. Education for All: I know families need help with the rising cost of day care. That is why I introduced HR 4060, a universal pre-kindergarten program to ensure that all children ages 3-5 have access to full-day, quality day care.

10. Protecting Pensions: I am working to change bankruptcy laws so pensioners' claims will be first, ahead of banks, and that corporate executives who misuse workers' pension funds are subject to criminal penalties. I want to fully fund the Pension Benefit Guarantee Board.

11. Social Security: From my first moments in Congress, I have exposed Wall Street's efforts to privatize Social Security and attacked it in the Democratic Caucus when it was being proposed. Can you imagine where seniors would be today if Social Security had been turned over to the stock market? Social Security is solid through 2032 without any changes.

12. Protect Bank Deposits: I will work to make sure the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sufficient funds to provide for insurance of deposits up to $200,000 at all banks and savings and loans. This is an urgent matter since so many banks are said to be vulnerable.

13. Protect Investors: Bring back strong regulation to Wall Street. As Chairman of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee, I challenged the Wall Street hedge fund speculators as a threat to small investors. I intend to keep active watch over the machinations on Wall Street.

14. Strength through Peace: You'll remember when I led the effort against the ill-conceived Iraq war, which has now cost more than 4,100 US soldiers' lives, cost U.S. taxpayers between $3 trillion and $5 trillion, and resulted in the deaths of more than a million Iraqis. We must bring our troops home and end the war. We must engage in diplomacy. We must reduce the military budget, and we must stop outrageous cost overruns by the likes of Halliburton.

15. Safety in America: I am proud of my work for peace. In July 2001, I introduced a bill, which today is HR 808, that for the first time creates a comprehensive plan to deal with the issues of violence in American society, particularly domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, gang violence, gun violence, racial violence, and violence against gays by establishing a Cabinet-level Department of Peace and Restorative Justice. This proposal has sparked a national movement and when implemented will save tax payers millions of dollars.

16. Monetary Policy: It is long past the time that we looked at the implications of our debt based monetary system, the privatization of money created by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the banks fractional reserve system and our debt-based economic system. Unless we have dramatic reform of monetary policy, the entire economic system will continue to accelerate wealth upwards. I am currently working on drafting legislation for an 'American Monetary Act' to address these and other issues in order to protect the economic wellbeing of America.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Episode of Cascadian Air: Free to be OT III?

So last night we did a little talkin' about the ongoing attitude engagement between Scientologists and their
"Anonymous" foes....Hit up our show on Portland Indymedia under the Radio section..

The questions are lurking on many minds.  Is Scientology even a religion?  Is it worth whatever donations or publishing revenues or tax shelters they gain, to do what they do, and call it a church?  They lose out on customers when rather than philosophy they sell religion.  It is a not so subtle distinction.  With all the money to be made in the natural healing and self help markets- why make spread their pyramid scheme multilevel corporate entity also a ministry?  Is the message that important?  The pulp science-fiction author's OT mythology?  The internal culture structure that is as much J. Edgar Hoover as Branch Davidian.  Can you sell a religion in a series of larger and larger payments?  Ask David Miscavaige, and you'll probably get pneumonia from his answer before you get earnest truth. 

Just trying to learn what you can from key Scientologists themselves?  Have fun with that... for me between Tom Cruise's persona gear drops and the interviews given by  David Miscavaige, study reveals that the public face of Scientology is too easily seen as a repressed yet intensely expressive sociopathic egoist with the need to compulsively lie by omission and evasion, as well as old-fashion, bold-faced, dead-panned textbook LYING.  I feel that if there is a dark spiritulal force in the world they are certainly part of it.  

Monday, September 22, 2008


My country tis not free, 
of farce and fallacy, 
or slavery

Here is Jack Blood's interview with Richard Andrew Grove- the AIG/etc things will make more sense in the after listening:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Attack on Embassy in Yemen

Details are still arising about this car bombing on Wednesday outside the gates of an American Embassy in San'a, Yemen's Capital.  The AP is reporting that 10 were killed in the blast, and earlier reports from an anonymous Yemen official said that heavy gunfire was also heard with the explosions

Thursday, August 14, 2008

OSS All Stars!

The idea that our best and brightest celebrities have sometimes also worked secretly for Uncle Sam is a common fictional and social folklore meme.  Apparently,  names from the WWII era Office of Strategic Services are being released today.  Should we wonder who's on the more recent rosters?

Monday, August 11, 2008

11th hour here early for Wildlife...

From the Associated Press:

The Clinton 11th hour Forest Plan has an uglier reflection in the current administration's recent decision to let the federal agencies determine whether the harm to endangered habitat is worth halting the projects they are contracting.  The air here in Cascadia is electric as all flora and fauna debate what Life's response should be to this legislative assault by the American pseudo democracy.  One can contribute if nowhere else, to the Cascadia Wildlands Project.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Russia-Georgian conflict: What is US's problem?

Flag of Georgia
According to Vladimir Putin  earlier this week, it is war between Russia and Georgia.  Russia claims the hostility is in response to deaths caused by the Georgians.  Georgia, which broke away after 2003's bloodless "Rose Revolution", pleads to the world for help, and said that their casualties are the result of "a well planned invasion".  

Mc Cain, Obama, Bush,  and the EU have been outspoken against the conflict- and Georgia's acceptance into NATO now seems impossible.  

Apparently, 'Big Oil' intrests are behind some of this, with a US owned pipeline running right through Georgia.  The hope is that the US will mediate the situation- likely to the advantage of US coffers instead of the Russians other big 'ally' China.

It is known that the Rose Revolution was a contention point between the Georgians and their former Soviet Union comrades.  What some may not know is that the CIA had aided the Georgian leadership in their dissent from the collapsing Soviet Union.  Further, more, it seems in addition to physical forces digital attacks were carried out as well.  So good luck with that people of Georgia, hey have you seen those Olympics?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ladies and Gents, Start your VPN's!

From Slashdot: Virtual Terror and the iPatriotAct

Lawrence Lessig says that in a conversation with former counter terroism czar Richard Clarke, the question of the "internets" and their neutrality were touched on in a specific way.  The question was that since they had the massive Patriot Act sitting around to whip out right after 9/11/2001, is there a cyberspace version for metaverse terror?  According to Lessig, Clarke says yes there is.  Our next question, which internet did they write this for?, or 2.0?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

gleaned from the image search "darth rove"


See kids: THAT'S what happens when you defy congressional subpoenas...  However imaginary and hilarity-inspiring the above image  of Karl Rove may be,  it is exactly what the people have been calling for.  Darth Rove, quite soon could face face actual evil-doer charges.  Yes, we share all scoffing guffaws as well.  Nevertheless, there is yet another reason to lay long arms of naked, shameless justice on this perniscious reptile...

The AP (is that fer "axis propaganda? heheh!")  reported an hour ago on his offensive absense at his own hearing.  They issue warrants for that , right?

Thursday, June 19, 2008


One world government... lamented conspiracy, demented possibility- or- cemented reality?  The prospect of fascist GLOBALISM on just the economic front led to many movements uprisings and demonstrations spanning recent decades.  The dissolution of all national sovereignty would bring productivity worldwide to a halt- right?... What about if they start smaller?  If it is under the guise of fixing any economy- broken however intently- what will be the response if not bleak acceptance? Europe, Africa, Asia and South America all have had respective continental "Unions" of the governments that they contain.  The USA, Canada, and Mexico are no different. Here's the Wikipedia entry for those who wanna bone up on the North American Union: