Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Episode of Cascadian Air: Free to be OT III?

So last night we did a little talkin' about the ongoing attitude engagement between Scientologists and their
"Anonymous" foes....Hit up our show on Portland Indymedia under the Radio section..

The questions are lurking on many minds.  Is Scientology even a religion?  Is it worth whatever donations or publishing revenues or tax shelters they gain, to do what they do, and call it a church?  They lose out on customers when rather than philosophy they sell religion.  It is a not so subtle distinction.  With all the money to be made in the natural healing and self help markets- why make spread their pyramid scheme multilevel corporate entity also a ministry?  Is the message that important?  The pulp science-fiction author's OT mythology?  The internal culture structure that is as much J. Edgar Hoover as Branch Davidian.  Can you sell a religion in a series of larger and larger payments?  Ask David Miscavaige, and you'll probably get pneumonia from his answer before you get earnest truth. 

Just trying to learn what you can from key Scientologists themselves?  Have fun with that... for me between Tom Cruise's persona gear drops and the interviews given by  David Miscavaige, study reveals that the public face of Scientology is too easily seen as a repressed yet intensely expressive sociopathic egoist with the need to compulsively lie by omission and evasion, as well as old-fashion, bold-faced, dead-panned textbook LYING.  I feel that if there is a dark spiritulal force in the world they are certainly part of it.  

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