Friday, August 8, 2008

Russia-Georgian conflict: What is US's problem?

Flag of Georgia
According to Vladimir Putin  earlier this week, it is war between Russia and Georgia.  Russia claims the hostility is in response to deaths caused by the Georgians.  Georgia, which broke away after 2003's bloodless "Rose Revolution", pleads to the world for help, and said that their casualties are the result of "a well planned invasion".  

Mc Cain, Obama, Bush,  and the EU have been outspoken against the conflict- and Georgia's acceptance into NATO now seems impossible.  

Apparently, 'Big Oil' intrests are behind some of this, with a US owned pipeline running right through Georgia.  The hope is that the US will mediate the situation- likely to the advantage of US coffers instead of the Russians other big 'ally' China.

It is known that the Rose Revolution was a contention point between the Georgians and their former Soviet Union comrades.  What some may not know is that the CIA had aided the Georgian leadership in their dissent from the collapsing Soviet Union.  Further, more, it seems in addition to physical forces digital attacks were carried out as well.  So good luck with that people of Georgia, hey have you seen those Olympics?

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